Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Life's Crazy Journey!

Life has a mind of its own. You never know where the road it going to take you till you get there. Life took me down a crazy path about a week ago. I had a strange pain in my abdomen and it landed me in the Hospital. I went in to the ER on Sunday to be seen for this pain that would not go away. They did some tests and a sonogram and said I had a 3cm cyst on my left ovary. They said they couldn't do much for me and sent me home. Monday the pain got so much worse and I ended up not being able to take the pain and I decided to go back in to the ER. They did a abdominal CT and what they found was amazing.... So I guess they don't look at your history when reading the scans. They told me I had a Corn Shaped Uterus!. I said Really cause I thought I had a hysterectomy! Hahahaha!!! So they had to re-read the scan. OMG. They finally decided that I had a cyst on my left ovary and the what they thought was the uterus was a LARGE 8cm mass. GREAT! Just what I need! More things growing in my already falling apart body! The cyst had ruptured and I was admitted and taken for emergency surgery. Ugh, When they opened my pelvis they found that I was hemorrhaging internally. If that was not enough I had the hardest time coming out of the anisthesia. Took me 3 hours to come to!
I have to say that because of this little adventure, I have realzed yet again how blessed we are. I am so greatfull for our friends who helped out with the kids during this ordeal. I was out for a while and pretty loopy and there for been dubbed stoney... LOL

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