Sunday, November 14, 2010

WOW I am Horrible at updating my blog! YIKES

OK Sabra! This is for you... :)

So... Since my last post, We have had surgeries,  birthdays and christmas... A new year of school has started and I can't believe how big my little kidos have grown.

Haven is a Big first grader, and as I have feared she is a diva and quite the chatter box... though she loves to read and loves being the first to be done with her work.  Two weeks ago she came in with her first loose tooth and she can't wait to meet the tooth fairy.

Xander is my BIGGEST of the kids and is 7 going on 8.  He is excited that he will be getting baptized in probably Feburary.  He is in 2nd grade and is doing phenominal.  He loves books, and LOVES to draw and is good at it.

Zach is 9 now and was baptized a year ago in October.  He Loves the gospel and strives daily to make the right choices. He is in 3rd grade but has had some difficulties with his reading and comprehinsion.  They tested him for all kinds of things and didn't find anything so they did an IQ test... Turns out he is to smart for his own good... LOL at the age of 9 his IQ( 119-122) is higher than mine. LOL  HUMMmmmm Where does that put me in the grand skeem of things...   

Maybe we are kinda here at present time so the latest new is that we are moving in JUNE... Probably back to Midland Texas... I love my midland Peeps but I am Very sad to leave my home and "family" here in cali.
Pauls plant is shutting down as it is to expensive to keep going here.
So now here we are in the middle of November... Enjoy some pics from the last year. LOL

 day at the beach
Night time fire

Camping in the back yard!

haha again camping in the back yard

Haven's 6th birthday


1 comment:

  1. Yea Yea yea! I love it! Good job posting, I am so proud of you! You do know when you move you have to keep this up so I will be able to get my updates! You did a great job!
